3D Pop Up Effect In Photoshop
Learn how to create a simple and fun 3D pop up effect in Photoshop where the main subject of your photo appears to be standing up and popping right out of the image!
Welcome to Photoshop Essentials, where everyone can learn Photoshop! We offer fun, exclusive, step-by-step tutorials for all skill levels, and all written with beginners in mind. From Photoshop Basics to Photo Editing and Retouching, Photo Effects, Text Effects and more!
Check out our latest Photoshop tutorials below. Or download our tutorials as PDFs and get exclusive bonus content!
Learn how to create a simple and fun 3D pop up effect in Photoshop where the main subject of your photo appears to be standing up and popping right out of the image!
Learn how to create a quick, non-destructive infrared glow effect using Smart Filters and adjustment layers in Photoshop CS6!
Not all of the great new features in Photoshop CS6 are as easy to find as others, like the hidden Photographic Toning presets that make it easy to apply great looking tinting and split-toning effects to our photos!
Learn how two great new features in Photoshop CS6 – Background Save and Auto Save – will improve your workflow and help minimize annoying interruptions.
Learn how to turn a real life photo into a miniature scene with the new Tilt-Shift blur filter in Photoshop CS6!
Blend modes in Photoshop are a great way to change how a layer interacts, or blends, with the layers below it, but in this tutorial, we get more creative by learning how to apply blend modes to individual color channels using the Apply Image command!
Learn how the new Iris Blur filter in Photoshop CS6, along with its hidden layer mask feature, can help us add a simple blurred vignette effect to a photo!
In this first tutorial on the new features of Photoshop CS6, learn all about the new darker interface and how to control its appearance with color themes!
Learn how to instantly give your photo a whole new look just by choosing one from a list, thanks to the new Color Lookup image adjustment in Photoshop CS6!
Learn how Photoshop’s Content-Aware Scale command can reshape and transform photos from one aspect ratio to another without distorting your main subject or other important areas of the image!
Learn how to create highly customized blur effects with an image using the new Iris Blur filter in Photoshop CS6, which takes everything Field Blur offers and adds even more fine-tune control!
Learn how to easily apply different amounts of blurring to specific areas of an image without the need for layer masks using the new Field Blur filter in Photoshop CS6!
Photoshop CS6 brings with it a completely redesigned and enhanced Crop Tool that makes cropping and straightening images easier than ever! In this tutorial, we learn how it works!
Selecting hair in a photo was once strictly for the pros, but in this tutorial, learn how the improved and powerful Refine Edge command in Photoshop CS5 makes selecting hair easier than ever!
In this Photo Retouch tutorial, learn how to easily replace the original sky in a photo with the sky from a different image using a simple selection, a layer mask, and the power of Photoshop’s Advanced Blending sliders!
It may be called a Black & White image adjustment, but don’t let the name fool you. In this Photo Retouch tutorial, we learn how to combine it with one of Photoshop’s layer blend modes to easily control the brightness and contrast of different areas in a full color photo!
In this Photoshop tutorial, learn a fast and easy way to lighten and brighten someone’s eyes in a photo using nothing more than a simple adjustment layer, a layer blend mode and a brush!
In the previous tutorial, we learned how to quickly brighten an underexposed photo using the Screen blend mode. In this tutorial, learn how to darken and tone down an overexposed image just as easily using the exact opposite blend mode!
In this photo editing tutorial, learn a quick and easy way to brighten underexposed photos using nothing more than simple adjustment layers and a layer blend mode!
Whether you’re restoring old photos or adding them to your digital scrapbooking designs, let Photoshop’s Crop and Straighten Photos command speed up your scanning workflow!
When color correcting photos in Photoshop, it’s pretty easy to find the brightest and darkest areas in the image. But what about those midtones? Is there an easy way to find neutral gray without simply guessing? There sure is, and it’s one of Photoshop’s often overlooked blend modes that makes all the ‘difference’!
It took a long time, but with Photoshop CS5, Adobe has finally made straightening crooked images simple, fast and intuitive! In fact, as we learn in this tutorial, Photoshop CS5’s new Straighten feature now lets us straighten and crop images with a single click!
Learn how the Healing Brush in Photoshop lets us reduce the appearance of distracting wrinkles on someone’s face. For Photoshop CS5 and earlier.
Want to remove an object in a photo with little effort? Check out the amazing new Content-Aware Fill feature in Photoshop CS5 and watch the object magically disappear as if it never existed!
In this first look at one of the brand new features in Photoshop CS5, we check out the upgraded Spot Healing Brush with its new Content Aware Healing option and how an already great photo retouching tool just got a whole lot better!
Whenever we shoot in low light, use high ISO settings or leave the dSLR at home because the compact camera is easier to carry, we often end up with noise in our images. Fortunately, Photoshop’s Reduce Noise filter can reduce its appearance without sacrificing image detail!
Learn how to easily change eye color in an image using a simple adjustment layer in Photoshop! For Photoshop CS5 and earlier.
Photoshop’s Color Replacement Tool makes it easy to change the color of an object in an image without a lot of fuss or hassle. In this tutorial, we look at how it works (and why it sometimes doesn’t), the options that control how it works, and why learning about the Color Replacement Tool may seem like déjà vu!
Learn all about the Background Eraser Tool in Photoshop and how to use it to easily remove unwanted background areas in your photos!
Learn how to gain control over your color to black and white conversions in Photoshop with a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. Part of our complete series of Photoshop black and white conversion tutorials.
Learn how to mix the RGB (Red, Green and Blue) color channels together using a Channel Mixer adjustment to create custom black and white images! Part seven in our complete series of Photoshop black and white conversions tutorials.
This is the sixth tutorial in our series on Photoshop black and white conversions. In this tutorial, learn how we can select an individual color channel from the Channels palette to use as the black and white version of our image, then how to quickly improve the tone and contrast of the image with a simple Levels adjustment!
In this fifth tutorial in our black and white conversions series, learn how to convert a color photo to black and white in Photoshop using the Lab color mode.
In this fourth tutorial in our Photoshop black and white conversions series, learn how to quickly convert a color photo to black and white in Photoshop using the Luminosity layer blend mode.
In this third in our series of black and white conversions in Photoshop, learn how to quickly convert a color photo to black and white in Photoshop using a Gradient Map, which replaces the original colors in the image with black, white and all the shades of gray in between!
In this second tutorial in our Photoshop black and white conversions series, learn how to quickly convert a color photo to black and white by desaturating the color using both the Desaturate command and a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer!
In this first in our series of black and white conversions in Photoshop, learn how the Grayscale color mode allows us to quickly and easily remove the color from a photograph, giving us an instant black and white version of the image.
In this series of tutorials, learn the many ways of converting color photos to black and white in Photoshop. With few exceptions, the tools and techniques we cover here have been around in Photoshop for years and are available to anyone using any recent (and even not-so-recent) version of Photoshop!
If it’s true that two heads are better than one, it’s also true that two views of the same image are better than one, especially when it comes to photo editing. Learn how to keep a constant eye on your overall image in Photoshop no matter how far you’ve zoomed in with this dual view editing technique!
Tired of the buildings in your photos looking like they’re leaning backwards? That’s a common perspective problem known as keystoning, but Photoshop’s powerful Lens Correction filter, first introduced in Photoshop CS2, makes it easy to fix! We can even take care of a few other potential image problems along the way, all with the same filter!
The Curves image adjustment is widely considered to be the most powerful and versatile photo editing tool in the entire program. While the basics of Curves may not have changed in Photoshop CS3, the Curves dialog box has received a major upgrade with new features and some welcome improvements!
Photoshop’s Curves adjustment can seem less like an image editing tool and more like something from a science lab, but in this tutorial, we compare it with the Levels adjustment to see just how simple Curves really is, and why Curves goes far beyond anything you could hope for with Levels!
The Shadow/Highlight adjustment is one of the most popular and useful image editing tools in all of Photoshop thanks to its amazing ability to bring out hidden detail in the shadows and highlights of a photo. In this tutorial, we tap in to the real power of the Shadow/Highlight command by exploring its advanced options!
The first step in a good photo editing workflow is to correct any overall tonal problems in the image, brightening highlights, darkening shadows and adjusting the midtones. Photoshop’s Levels adjustment not only makes tonal correction fast and easy, it’s what the pros use for accurate, professional quality results!
Over the years, many unsuspecting photographers and photo retouchers have destroyed their images with the Brightness/Contrast command. Thankfully, those days are over! The improved Brightness/Contrast command in Photoshop CS3 may be all you need to add life to dull, flat images, and it doesn’t get much easier than this!
Histograms are one of the most valuable tools we have when editing or restoring images, and knowing how to read a histogram is an essential skill for anyone who’s serious about the quality of their photos. Learn what histograms can tell us about our images and how to use them to easily spot potential problems.
Tired of having no control when converting your color photos to black and white or being forced to think like a computer? Then you’ll definitely want to check out the Black & White adjustment in Photoshop CS3, a tool so easy and natural, if you can click and drag your mouse, you have all the skills you need!
Photoshop file sizes getting out of control? Learn how Photoshop’s adjustment layers can help keep them to a minimum and keep you, your computer and Photoshop running smoothly!
Still using Photoshop’s standard image adjustments to edit your photos? Still causing permanent damage to your images with every edit you make? There’s a better way! Learn how to work non-destructively and with greater flexibility with Photoshop’s Adjustment Layers!
Cropping photos is one of the most common uses for Photoshop, but what if you want your cropped image to maintain the same aspect ratio as the original? No problem, thanks to a rarely used but very useful command called Transform Selection!