Photoshop - Tutorials and training for Adobe Photoshop.
Where everyone can learn Photoshop!

Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials

Everyone loves Photoshop effects. Not only are photo effects fun to create, but they’re a great way to learn Photoshop since they often introduce us to tools, commands or other features we might otherwise never know about! All of our Photoshop effects tutorials are written with beginners in mind, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. See our complete list below, or download our tutorials as print-ready PDFs!

Visit our YouTube channel for our latest Photoshop effects videos!

Create A Starry Night Sky In Photoshop

Add a field of stars to your night skies with Photoshop! You’ll learn how to create stars in Photoshop, add a glow and color to the stars, and how to blend the stars with your image!

How To Blend Text Into Clouds With Photoshop

Learn how to easily blend text into clouds with Photoshop, as if your text is floating in the sky! We’ll create the effect using Photoshop’s Blending Options, and when we’re done, you’ll know how to blend text into any image or background you like!

Photoshop Pointillism Painting Effect

Learn how to easily create a realistic pointillism effect in Photoshop by turning your images into paintings of colored dots using the Pointillize filter, Smart Filters and layer blend modes.

Vintage Photo Effect With Adobe Lightroom

Learn how to turn a new photo into an old fashioned, vintage photo with Adobe Lightroom! Once you know the steps, you can easily create the exact same vintage photo effect with Camera Raw in Photoshop!

Rainbow Eye Color Effect in Photoshop

Why choose a single eye color when you can choose every color at once! Learn step-by-step how to easily give someone rainbow colored eyes with Photoshop! Video + Text.